Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Tuesday

Good Morning
Yesterday I went to the Vet for my shots now I can go to the park and play.
I love going to the doggy park to make new friends. I will let you know which
one I go to and how it ranks for us puppy's.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good Morning,

Today I mastered getting onto the couch. Took over dad's chair-picked up my toys and stashed them in his chair. I can climb the stairs up to the bed but don't like to jump down yet.
Another week I see the vet for my final shots then I can go out to the park.It is suggested for me to stay close to the house for the first three months because I dont have much body weight to be resilient to the weather and disease.
I am excited to meet new puppies and play with them. I have a new sweater to wear but been hard to find a jacket small enough. Mom made me a shirt and has a pattern that is easy to make if anyone would like a copy just let her know.
That's all for now will finish with the training tomorrow.

Puppy vs. Mirror

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmans

Merry christmas and Happy New year. May you get everything your christmas list. Smokie